29 июн. 2011 г.

El Mirage 2011

VIA >>> sebessegoltara.blog.hu

My name is Brandon Schrichten and have been some what of a film maker since my early teens. I have been a part of Scott Toepfer's photo journal project, "It's Better in the Wind" since the beginning. His enthusiasm, and creative drive for his project, sparked something in me as well. I realized the opportunity to start documenting our rides would help give me a whole new prospective on the riding experience. Through the years, I lived in California and went on almost every single ride and did what I could to capture the moment. Meanwhile, Scott's project was taking off and the success of his vision made my projects get noticed. I have never been a self promoter and have always made my videos just for our friends to see, but it seems like other people started to take a liking.
In the recent months, I moved to Colorado, away from all my friends and family. That meant no more fun rides every day in beautiful California. Scott has been working on a film to go with his photo journal project and this El Mirage trip was supposed to be the closing chapter on his project. I couldn't wait for this trip and wasn't going to miss it for the world. With the weather against us with rain, sleet, snow, and a tornado warning, I shoveled a path in the snow so I can load the bikes in the truck and drove off into the snow filled Rocky Mountains. Two days of solid driving and my soul was rejuvenated when I saw my friends. I have the best group of friends a guy could have and they are the life of any event.
I went months without being able to work on a video project because I was trying to get settled in my new home and was itching for a new project. Even though I knew Scott was out there filming for his project, I wanted to gather my own footage for my project and memories. Making this video has done nothing but help me relive the best trip I have ever been on. Every clip has a story behind it and I get to relive it through this video. I am glad that everyone else has taken a liking to this video and even though it was a video to be shared amongst my friends, I am glad it has taken a liking among the public. I am so blessed in all that life has given and there is one thing I am extremely grateful for is the absolute time of my life I get to share with my friends. Thanks again for all the support!

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