19 окт. 2010 г.

Jesse James closing West Coast Choppers

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Джесси Джеймс закрывает West Coast Choppers

From a very reliable source I got confirmation that Jesse James is closing for good West Coast Choppers I am also able to officially announce that all Jesse James motorcycle frames and parts will be now manufactured respectively by Daytec and Belt Drive LTD (BDL) and available to order through Custom Chrome .

(picture copyright and courtesy Jesse James for Cyril Huze Blog)

Old School Harley Customs

Harleys from Roadrage Cycles, Mike Lensing and Philipp

Pipes - дудки


Bobber style

COMUИE's Karlson Tea Party 2

COMUИE's Karlson Tea Party 2 from Corey Smith on Vimeo.
Saturday, September 25th COMUИE hosted it’s second annual motorcycle and photography show, Karlson Tea Party. Curated by renown motorcycle journalist Nelson Kanno, exhibiting builders that were hand-picked for their historic influence and inspiration on motorcycle culture for over the past 20 years included: Cole Foster, Ian Barry, Trevelen Rabanal, Kiyo, Kutty Notebloom, and John Edwards. Photography composed by both Adam Wright of “Road Course” and “Hauler” photo zines and Canadian born, skate industry veteran Scott Pommier were also on display.
Over 600 motorcycle enthusiasts, industry veterans and fashion savvy aficionados alike were in attendance to check out the artistic wizardry and authentic mechanics of motorcycle culture. Dramatic lighting, groovy tunes and the roar of motorbike after motorbike filled the night air and set the perfect stage for a unique atmosphere while guests enjoyed carne asada by Gringo and The Bean, the bottomless supply of Pabst Blue Ribbon, Dono dal Cielo wine and Vitamin Water.
Thanks to everyone that came out for a memorable evening!
Special thanks to Ben Classen and Sean Flynn for filming the event.
Edited by Corey Smith and Liz Davis.
Music: Woven Bones - "Creepy Bone"


Happy New Year 2011


Johnny Pag and I - NarvaBike 2010





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