26 мая 2011 г.

Сообщество VTX cafe.com

Кастомайзинг - Copper Chopper Paul Yaffe's Bagger Nation


Фотограф - Ben Schkade (Schkadke)

Full photo set Zero Engineering 2010 kalendar

Motorbike-Mods of Methamphibian

We've previously posted about Methamphibian's post 1/6-character kitbashes HERE - now this is a post specifically focused on showcasing his motorbike-mods - which I feel are extremely satisfying and invigorating to view, IMHO! One of the key figures is his DEMONFREAK character, which vibes an absolutely awesome-cool Sandman-persona (the Neil Gaiman-written comicbook), as well his own-school speedster-mod (I heart them old-skool-mods). Well, you've GOT to have a sweet crotch-rocket to ride the winds of post-apocalypse, innit? *AWESOME*
VIA >>>

Everything Sonic featuring Dave Grohl

Everything Sonic featuring Dave Grohl
A film by Danny Clinch

Family man, father, Foo Fighter front man, Dave Grohl is taking time off from the road this summer to focus on a newborn, recording new songs to be included on the forthcoming Foo Fighters Greatest Hits & probably a few other things. Doesn't sound like much of a break and yet he still finds the road in the form of two, or as you'll see, three wheels. Dave recently took an afternoon to talk about his riding history and its influence on his life & music.
Check out the above video and the rhythm Dave catches from the sound of his Road King® engine.
Visit www.harley-davidson.com for the new looks and sounds of the 2010 Harley-Davidson® motorcycle line-up.
And be sure to check out behind the scenes photos taken by Clinch during the filming of Everything Sonic: http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=98753&id=20060875764
We care about you. Always wear an approved helmet, proper eyewear and protective clothing and insist your passenger does too. Know your Harley® motorcycle and read and understand your owners manual from cover to cover.

A European families transport

Happy New Year 2011


Johnny Pag and I - NarvaBike 2010





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