1 февр. 2011 г.

Kat Von D's Tattoo Chronicles - the Documentary

Дизайнерские украшения из серебра от Shock Mansion's

Shock Mansion's original styling has lent itself to some of the world's largest streetwear companies, including Famous Stars and Straps and Osiris Shoes.
This collaboration is a reflection of the Shock Mansion tone, involving a creative mesh of ZM925's craftsmanship and Shock Mansion's conceptual development and photography.
These jewellery pieces mark the debut of a collaboration product available to purchase bearing the Shock Mansion name.
An artist at heart, Zoe comes from a painting background having studied at the National Art School. With an inherent creative eye Zoe has designed beyond the canvas through a number of mixed mediums and jewellery styles.
ZM925 has collaborated with the guys from Shock Mansion, to create a edgy and different range that fits in perfectly to the ethos of the classic ZM925 range.
Inspired by subcultures and popular icons, the ZM925 charms have been seen on the likes of Good Charlotte, Kings of Leon, Amy Winehouse, Paris Hilton, Lilly Allen, Sam Sparrow, Sophie Monk, Sienna Miller, the late DJ AM and more.

Фотограф Kostya Romantikov

MOMA 2-3 aprillil 2011 Tallinnas

MOMA, Tallinn Motoshow on moto-, autospordi ja tuuningunäitus ja mess 2.-3. aprillil 2011 Tallinnas, Rotermanni kvartalis. MOMA, Tallinn Motoshow is motorcycle and autosports and tuning show and fair on April 2-3 2011 in Tallinn, Estonia.
Jaga treilerit! Loosi läheb 20 pääset näitusele ja aftekale ning muud põnevat!

Журнал Motokross № 14

Для поклонников мотокросса журнал Мотокросс (на эстонском языке)

Барселона примет Дни Harley Davidson

2011 Harley-Davidson Barcelona Harley Days returns to Barcelona in 2011
Harley-Davidson returns Barcelona: 08th July 2011 - 10th July 2011 Barcelona Harley Days, Spain
More details phone +34-934774820 / 932467431 + vendors@barcelonaharleydays.com / More infoshttp://www.barcelonaharleydays.com/en/bcn-harley-days / See more Harley-Davidson videos http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p=1037039DFE7E0B28 / More infoshttp://www.harley-davidson.com & http://www.harley-davidson.com/es_ES/Content/Pages/home.html / Many Thanks HARLEY-DAVIDSON MOTOR COMPANY & HARLEY-DAVIDSON SPAIN, tlf. 902427539 / More videoshttp://www.youtube.com/user/SoloMotoTreinta

Julien Dupont

Julien Dupont Best of Illegal and Wildstyle Motorbike - www.ridetheworld.fr
Смотреть видео YouTube канал >>>

Happy New Year 2011


Johnny Pag and I - NarvaBike 2010





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