23 мар. 2011 г.

Kormoranid ehk nahkpükse ei pesta 2011 (мото в кино)

С 18 марта в эстонском прокате фильм Kormoranid ehk nahkpükse ei pesta
комедия Андреса Маймика и Райна Толька «Бакланы, или Кожаные штаны не стирают», рассказывающая о старых рокерах, отказывающихся дремать где-нибудь в уголке дома в кресле-качалке и стремящихся любой ценой снова вдыхать жизнь полной грудью.

Picture kultuur.info
Režissöörid-stsenaristid: Andres Maimik, Rain Tolk
Osades: Guido Kangur, Roman Baskin, Ene Järvis, Jüri Vlassov, Ester Pajusoo, Elina Pähklimägi, Harry Kõrvits, Enn Klooren
Operaatorid: Mait Mäekivi, Mart Raun
Helilooja: Sten Sheripov
Kunstnik: Elo Soode
Tegevprodutsent: Paul Aguraiuja
Produtsent: Kaspar Kaljas
Tootja: Kuukulgur Film OÜ
Levitaja: Forum Cinemas AS
Filmi pikkus: 1 tund ja 50 minutit
Linastub eesti keeles, ingliskeelsete subtiitritega.

Kormoranid ehk nahkpükse ei pesta ametlik treiler

Black Label Collection

With street-inspired designs and a custom look, the Black Label Collection is cut narrow through the chest, shaped at the sides and slimmer to the hip for a look, fit and feel that's unique to this collection. Men's & Women's styles will be available in H-D dealerships this spring. Check out the entire collection here: http://bit.ly/gfm1Qq

Get In Biker Chic With Harley Davidson Black Label Collection 2009

Harley-Davidson® Motorclothes® Black Label Collection

Women's Rider Comfort System

Introducing Women's Rider Comfort System - the next generation of Harley-Davidson® MotorClothes® riding gear.
When you're out there riding, it's you versus Mother Nature. The new system comprises a base layer, mid and outer layer options that work together to put you in total control of your climate and your comfort in any riding condition. So now, nothing can come in the way of you and your road. Not even the weather.
Visit http://bit.ly/fPBNBp or your local Harley dealer to find out more.

TBN Baltia: Пропускной пункт "Нарва-1" будет расширен

Custom and girl

Kara Rogers models with a sweet custom bike for JMP Studio and Snapastride.

KTM в курсе?


COCO MADEMOISELLE - THE FILM - 3'20" full version

COCO MADEMOISELLE is here again, beautiful, independant and mischievous.
With Keira Knightley and Alberto Ammann, directed by Joe Wright.
Music : "It's a man's man's man's world" (James Brown, Betty Newsome), performed by Joss Stone.

Happy New Year 2011


Johnny Pag and I - NarvaBike 2010





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