15 февр. 2011 г.

Аэрография работы Marcus Pfeil

Сайт австрийского мастера аэрографии Marcus Pfeil
В рамках Moscow Custom&Tuning Show 2010 известнейший в мире специалист по аэрографии Marcus Pfeil провел для всех желающих мастер-классы. В режиме on-line он продемонстрировал различные приемы и техники искусства Castom Painting.

Redlynx Trials Legends

C чего начиналось

И геймплей 2010

Шапка ICON - Alliance Helmet

In 2010 we switched all Icon helmets to the All World Standard (DOT, ECE, SAI, SG) The ECE standard is globally recognized (57 countries), requires batch testing, requires climate testing (extreme hot and cold), all helmet sizes must be tested, and requires different sized head forms for each helmet tested.
For an unbiased opinion and information on helmet standards we suggest searching for the Motorcyclist article titled "Motorcycle Helmet Performance: Blowing the Lid Off"

Tattoo girl

Фотограф - Quattro

Jim Beam - "Bold Choice"

Текст ролика:
«Жизнь сводится к серии выборов. Выбор, который ты делаешь или не делаешь, становится тобой. Но каким тобой? Хуже? Лучше? Кем-то, кого ты даже не можешь узнать? Задающимся вопросами обо всем? Достаточно ли ты силен, достаточно
 ли хороший? Любой выбор приводит тебя куда-то. Смелый выбор приводит тебя туда, где ты хочешь быть».

America's most iconic brands, Jim Beam, is sparking a cultural movement for bold choices. Because the bold choices we make, make us. The question is, which “us” will we choose? In the anthem for Jim Beam created by StrawberryFrog and filmed by Director Dante Ariola, Oscar-nominated actor Willem Dafoe sparks our movement by pondering that exact question.
In this film, a young Dafoe is at a crossroads, faced with a choice. To boldly leave his hometown of Appleton, Wisconsin, and head for the bright lights and long odds of an acting career in New York City, or stay put, and let fate play a leading role in deciding his future.
As he reflects on his decision, we explore the many futures that could have been – factory foreman, chess champion, aging punk, even sumo wrestler - but as Dafoe notes, in the end, there is really only one choice.
“All choices lead you somewhere,” Dafoe notes. ”Bold choices take you where you’re supposed to be.”


Happy New Year 2011


Johnny Pag and I - NarvaBike 2010





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