26 мар. 2010 г.

Openparty IMIS 2010 или в Тулу со своим самоваром - AveNue

Nickelback - Rockstar Kто снялся в клипе?

Kто снялся в клипе 2005 года у канадской рок-группы Nickelback в песне  Rockstar? Если "ломает" смотреть в квадратиках, то перейди на страничку Nickelback и посмотри в качестве HD >>> 
Помощь оказали:
1. Boy at a baseball field: "I'm through with standing in line to clubs I'll never get in"
2. Lindsey Shaw in front of the Cloud Gate: "It's like the bottom of the ninth"
3. Man in front of the Flatiron Building: "and I'm never gonna win"
4. Cindy Taylor on a pool float: "This life hasn't turned out"
5. Old woman on the Millennium Bridge in front of St Paul's Cathedral: "quite the way I want it to be"
6. Billy Gibbons from ZZ Top: "Tell me what you want" (voiceover)
7. Wayne Gretzky: "I want a brand new house"
8. Three women in Times Square: "on an episode of Cribs"
9. Kendra Wilkinson in front of the Playboy Mansion: "And a bathroom I can play baseball in"
10. New York City policeman: "And a king size tub"
11. Gene Simmons in front of his wall of gold and platinum records: "big enough for ten"
12. Paul Wall in front of a highway: "plus me"
13. Billy Gibbons again: "Yeah, so whatcha need" (voiceover)
14. Park ranger at Jay Pritzker Pavilion in Millennium Park: "I'll need a, a credit card"
15. Dominique Swain in a bubblebath: "that's got no limit"
16. Three men (one actor portraying a US MP, one actor portraying an East German border guard, and one civilian) at Checkpoint Charlie facing the American Sector: "And a big black jet"
17. Twista, Mayz from the Speedknot Mobstaz, and B-Hype sitting in a limo: "with a bedroom in it"
18. Man in Grand Central Terminal: "Gonna join the mile high club"
19. Holly Madison in the Playboy Mansion grotto: "at thirty-seven thousand feet"
20. Woman in Los Angeles: "Been there, done that" (Billy Gibbons voiceover)
21. Brett Ryan in Union Square: "I want a new tour bus"
22. The Wendy Osserman Dance Company and Brett Ryan: "full of old guitars"
23. Three girls on the bank of the Chicago River in front of Marina City: "My own star on Hollywood Boulevard"
24. Gene Simmons again: "Somewhere between Cher"
25. Paul Teutul, Sr. of Orange County Choppers: "and James Dean is fine for me"
26. Billy Gibbons again: "So how you gonna do it?" (voiceover)
27. John Rich on a pool table with a banjo: "I'm gonna trade this life"
28. Woman in Union Square: "for fortune and fame"
29. Chuck Liddell: "I'll even cut my hair"
30. Man in a Chinese restaurant: "and change my name"
31. Two Blazin' Saddles employees[7] in front of a General Lee-inspired RV: "'Cause we all just wanna be"
32. Eight kids in front of the Sydney Harbour Bridge: "big rockstars"
33. Wayne Gretzky again: "and live in hilltop houses"
34. Parking valet at Jones Hollywood in West Hollywood: "driving fifteen cars"
35. Brian Walton on Lambeth Palace Road in front of the Houses of Parliament: "The girls come easy and the drugs come cheap"
36. Jenna Westerbeck sunbathing: "We'll all stay skinny"
37. Kid Rock: "cause we just won't eat/And we'll"
38. Twista, Mayz, and B-Hype again: "hang out in the coolest bars"
39. Jessie Coleman in Grand Central Terminal: "In the VIP"
40. Eliza Dushku: "with the movie stars"
41. Dale Earnhardt, Jr. in front of a Union 76 gas station: "Every good gold digger's"
42. Taryn Manning: "Gonna wind up there"
43. Paul Wall again: "Every Playboy bunny"
44. Two women in the middle of Davie Street: "With her bleach blond hair"
45. Jerry Cantrell under Chicago's El tracks and in front of Double Door: "And we'll/Hey hey"
46. Liam Lynch in Union Square: "I wanna be a"
47. Nelly Furtado on tour bus: "rockstar"
48. Man in front of the same highway as Paul Wall above
49. Man in Union Square
50. Two women in Grand Central Terminal: "Hey"
51. Chuck Liddell again with man in a headlock:"hey"
52. Boy in grocery store: "I wanna be a rockstar"
53. Paul Teutul, Jr., Paul Teutul, Sr., and Mikey from Orange County Choppers flexing muscles
54. Man in front of Marina City: "I wanna be great like Elvis"
55. Elvis impersonator: "without the tassels"
56. Federico Castelluccio from The Sopranos: "Hire eight body guards"
57. Chuck Liddell again: "that love to beat up assholes"
58. Grant Hill signing basketball: "Sign a couple autographs/So I can"
59. Man in Union Square again: "eat my meals for free"
60. Billy Gibbons again: "I'll have the quesadilla" (voiceover)
61. Paul Wall again: "Ha ha" (Billy Gibbons voiceover)
62. Man and woman in the middle of Davie Street: "I'm gonna dress my ass"
63. Ted Nugent: "with the latest fashion"
64. Man and woman in front of the Cloud Gate: "Get a front door key"
65. Kendra Wilkinson, Holly Madison, and Bridget Marquardt from The Girls Next Door: "to the Playboy mansion"
66. Man in front of the Flatiron Building: "Gonna date a centerfold"
67. Two teenagers in Washington Square Park: "that loves to blow my money for me"
68. Billy Gibbons again: "So how you gonna do it?" (voiceover)
69. Paul Teutul, Jr., Paul Teutul, Sr., and Mikey from Orange County Choppers again: "I'm gonna trade this life"
70. Man and woman in front of the Reichstag building: "For fortune and fame"
71. Jordan Carlos overlooking Los Angeles: "I'd even cut my hair"
72. Man in front of the New York Stock Exchange: "And change my name"
73. Man at a pink bus-stop bench on Davie Street: "'Cause we all just wanna be"
74. Lupe Fiasco on a table: "big rockstars"
75. Woman in front of the Brandenburg Gate: "And live in hilltop houses"
76. Woman in front of the Chicago Theater: "driving fifteen cars"
77. Two women at the beach: "The girls come easy"
78. Taryn Manning again: "and the drugs come cheap"
79. Eliza Dushku again: "We'll all stay skinny"
80. Woman in front of the Sydney Harbour Bridge: "'cause we just won't eat"
81. Three women dancing in front of the Yogi-Snack in Berlin: "And we'll hang out in the coolest bars"
82. Gene Simmons again: "In the VIP"
83. Dominique Swain again: "with the movie stars"
84. Lupe Fiasco again: "Every good gold digger's"
85. Chuck Liddell again: "gonna wind up there"
86. Dale Earnhardt, Jr. again: "Every Playboy bunny"
87. Two girls in Times Square: "with her bleach blond hair"
88. Man in front of Beverly Hills High School: "And we'll hide out in the private rooms"'
89. Eliza Dushku again: "With the latest dictionary"
90. Federico Castelluccio again: "and today's who's who"
91. Riki Lindhome at Santa Monica beach, pier in background: "They'll get you anything with that evil smile"
92. Kid Rock again: "Everybody's got a drug dealer on speed dial/Well"
93. Steel worker: "Hey hey I wanna be a rockstar"
94. John Rich again, smashing a guitar
95. Three women in the middle of Davie Street: "I'm gonna sing those songs that offend the censors"
96. Te'DeVan Rocketman Wacha Kurzweil in Union Square: "Gonna pop my pills from a Pez dispenser"
97. Lupe Fiasco again: "Get washed-up singers"
98. Boy in front of a mixing console: "writing all my songs"
99. Gwenno Saunders overlooking Los Angeles: "Lip sync 'em every night"
100. Daniel Self at City Market in Raleigh: "so I don't get 'em wrong"
101. Man on street corner in New York City's Chinatown: "Well we all just wanna be"
102. Man in front of Big Acorn in Raleigh: "big rockstars"
103. Eight Blazin' Saddles employees at City Market in Raleigh: "And live in hilltop houses"
104. Dale Earnhardt, Jr. again:"driving fifteen cars"
105. The Naked Cowboy in Times Square: "The girls come easy and the drugs come cheap"
106. Woman at the beach: "We'll all stay skinny"
107. Brandon Berman in Times Square: "'cause we just won't eat"
108. Cindy Taylor again: "And we'll hang out in the coolest bars"
109. Woman in front of Buckingham Fountain: "In the VIP"
110. Grant Hill again: "with the movie stars"
111. Jayson Woolley in Union Square: "Every good gold digger's"
112. Ted Nugent again: "gonna wind up there"
113. Holly Madison in the grotto again: "Every Playboy"
114. Bridget Marquardt in a pink bed: "bunny with her bleach"
115. Kendra Wilkinson again: "blond hair/And we'll"
116. Laurie Picken standing next to City Hall in front of Tower Bridge: "hide out in the private rooms"
117. Nelly Furtado again: "With the latest dictionary and today's"
118. Two women in front of the Sydney Opera House and Sydney Harbour Bridge: "Who's Who/They'll get you anything"
119. Kid Rock again: "with that evil smile/Everybody's"
120. Ted Nugent again: "got a drug dealer on speed dial/Well"
121. John Rich again: "hey"
122. Dale Earnhardt, Jr. again: "hey"
123. Worker in front of Marina City with a Michigan State University sweatshirt: "I wanna be a rockstar"
124. Wayne Gretzky again, splashing a pool with a hockey stick
125. Kendra Wilkinson again dancing
126. Nelly Furtado again: "Hey"
127. Gene Simmons again: "hey"
128. Nickelback fans at Comcast Center for the Performing Arts concert singing: "I wanna be a rockstar"
129. Pan to Chad Kroeger, pan to Mike Kroeger and Ryan Peak

А дядечка в кадре Билли Гиббонс из ZZ Top.
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