22 сент. 2010 г.

And the WINNERS are!

Портал http://www.choppertownnation.com подводит осенние итоги кастомайзинга.

It wasn't easy but the judges have spoken! It was so tough that we added 4th and 5th places as well. Please enjoy the pics of the winning bikes and pass them along for all to enjoy. Thanks to everyone who participated, hopefully it was fun for all.
Enjoy all the winners' pics posted down the page...
If you want to pass this link along or repost it:

Special thanks to the judges:
Dick Baron (Baron's Speed Shop - England)
Bosse Jensen (Jensen Paint - Sweden)
Johnny (Johnny's Garage - Germany)
Jesper Bram (Helmet Hair - Denmark)
Segu (Kopteri Magazine - Finland)
Marcos (Free Kustom Cycles - Barcelona)
Gaby (Wild Motorcycles Magazine - France)

And the sponsors:
1st place gets a Lick's solo bag (Chopper and Bobber class), Set of
Lick's bar end mirrors (Cafe class), Guilty Customs seat pan, Harbortown Bobber Dickies
workshirt, Lick's jellies, and One World Tour DVD!
2nd place gets Dickies workshirt, Lick's Jellies, and One World Tour DVD!
3rd place gets Dickies workshirt and One World Tour DVD!
4th and 5th place get a One World Tour DVD!
Special Mention gets a Biltwell lid.

1st place in the CHOPPER category is: Ben Jordan's '49 Pan.
1st place in the BOBBER category is: Dragoo's "One of a Kind" '77 FLH.
1st place in the CAFE RACER category is: Camilo's '77 XS650

Tattoo girl`s

Machete LA Premiere

Machete LA Premiere at Orpheum Theatre from SA Studios Global on Vimeo.

Machete LA Premiere at Orpheum Theatre from SA Studios Global on Vimeo.

Zombie Chopper Run 2010 - part II

Garage Girl

Richard Izui - фотограф

Студия Ричарда находится в Эванстон, штат Иллинойс. Она позволяет выполнять съёмку в панорамных условиях, идеально подходит для съемки любых объектов: от продуктов до полноразмерных автомобилей и грузовиков.
Ричард Izui занят в коммерческой фотографии более 25 лет. Среди его клиентов компании и журналы "Playboy", Caterpillar, Toyota, Scion, MiniCooper, Turtlewax, Ford Motor, Г.М., Холлистер, Crest, Mobil, Mitutoyo, Sony, RCA, Captain Morgan, Jim Beam, Coca Cola, и другие. Он также имеет опыт работы в телевизионных рекламных роликов, в том числе Oldsmobile, Tropicana, Келлогс, Уилсон, Swift и Sears.
- Коммерческие Фотография
- Корпоративные Портреты
См. сайт http://www.izui.com/ примеры и фотографии предыдущих работ.

Выбор фотографа
Fellow moto-journalist Richard Izui standing with the Xcountry on a dirt trail with the Tucson landscape behind him.
The Specs at a Glance
BMW G 650 X Series
Displacement: 652cc single cylinder
Seat Height: Xcountry 34.2 inches; Xmoto 36.2; Xchallenge 36.6 inches
Fuel Capacity: 2.5 gallons
Wet Weight: Xcountry 353 pounds; Xmoto 351 pounds; Xchallenge 344 pounds
Colors: Xcountry Deep black/white aluminum; Xmoto Graphitan metallic matt; Xchallenge Aura white
Price: Xcountry $8,675; Xmoto $9,575; Xchallenge $8,975

Источник >>>
Статья на английском Richard Izui - Motor Drive

Сhopper Town Nation (slideshow)

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Happy New Year 2011


Johnny Pag and I - NarvaBike 2010





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