16 мая 2011 г.

Кастомайзинг - Dreamachine motorcycles

Akrapovič Morsus Custom Motorcycle

Akrapovič Morsus Custom Motorcycle Akrapovic Morsus 635x410
Akrapovič is known for making some of the finest sport bike exhausts on the market, with its carbon and titanium artistry gracing many a bike in the AMA, World Superbike, and MotoGP paddocks. Now we learn from our friends at OmniMoto.it that our favorite Slovenian motorcycle exhaust maker is getting into the custom chopper scene, and helping promote the company’s launch of cruiser-styled exhausts is the modern-styled Akrapovič Morsus custom show bike.
Built in collaboration with Dreamachine Motorcycles, the Akrapovič Morsus features an S&S 113 CI (that’s 1,852cc for the mertic-inclined) motor that pumps out 114hp through its modified Akrapovič exhaust pipe. The Morsus design appeases our modern-leaning design sensibilities, but true to its ethos, it’s the Akrapovič exhaust that really makes us drool over this bike. There’s something about an underslung side-venting pipe that makes us happy, and the Akrapovič Morsus is no exception to the rule. Photos and more after the jump. Of course the whole purpose of the Akrapovič Morsus is to get us talking about Akrapovič’s new line of exhausts for Harley-Davidson and other cruiser-style motorcycles. While we assume the typical Akrapovič fit-and-finish will be present in the new design, it’ll be a hard proposisiton to convert the “America Fuck Yeah” crowd into buying an Eastern European product…you can lead a horse to water, and all that jazz. We wish Akrapovič well in that endevour, but for now we’ll concentrate on this Mosus custom, which will be making the rounds at local trade shows and venues this year. Though we’re a sporty bunch here at Asphalt & Rubber, we can appreciate the different walks of motorcycling life. If we had to get a cruiser (whatever that means these days), we imagine it would be something like the Akrapovič Morsus. Some of the parts are bit too “custom” for us, like the mirrors and belt covers, but the overall shape and look is very catching. We like the disc-style wheels, which remind us of aero’d-out TT bicycles, and accordingly are made out carbon fiber discs (there are more than a few cyclists on the A&R crew). We doubt we’d make it far on that seat, but that’s not really the point of the machine, which is of course to show off the Akrapovič exhaust, which has also been modified by Dreamachine. We’ve already waxed poetic about this, but we’ll give it another go since it aligns our ch’i in the right manner. Wax on, wax off.
Photos of the Akrapovič Morsus Custom Motorcycle:
First step photo picasaweb/Morsus

Kelsey & Kawasaki KX

Для Алекса (Kawa fun team)

Студия аэрографии North Custom

Питерская студия аэрографии North Custom, расположенная на сервисе Vertex-Motors, славится сложностью исполняемых работ и их качеством. На счету студии - множество работ по нанесению аэрографии на автомобили и мотоциклы, мотошлемы, катера..
Заглянем в мастерскую?

Буду байкером. Докфільм

У простых смертных байкеры вызывают вполне конкретные и весьма предсказуемые чувства. Одни считают их сумасшедшими, для которых байк – символ не только свободы, но еще ярости и агрессии. Другие – боготворят их, где-то в подсознании лелея мысль о покупке собственного «Харлея». Темноту ночи разорвал рев мотоциклов. Мы пронзили ветер насквозь и исчезли за горизонтом. А ты даже не успел рассмотреть, что это было. Кто это: всадники Апокалипсиса или стая изгоев, обреченных на вечный бег по лунной дороге в тщетной надежде умчаться от этого безумного мира с его идиотскими проблемами, бессмысленными иллюзиями и фальшивыми чувствами. Мы байкеры. Ни больше и не меньше. И этим все сказано.

Paul Ansell's Number Nine Money and Lies LP

New Release Coming Soon.
Order Your Copy Now.
An exceptional singer, Paul Ansell - front man Number Nine - is one of the best and most respected artists on the Rock 'n' Roll scene. A master of authenticity and diversity, he is equally at home with Rockabilly, Country and Blues, and boast a fanbase which outside of the Rock 'n' Roll circuit, whilst always remaining popular within it.
Ansell is always demand to work with other artists, which have included Scotty Moore, Billy Swan, Mac Curtis, Jesse Young, Robert Gordon and Billy Lee Riley. His song writing is of the highest level, and his performances often draw comparisons with legendary singers such as Elvis Presley and Charlie Rich.
Truly a star of the Rock 'n' Roll scene and beyond.
Поклонникам стиля Rockabilly посвящается...
Paul Ansell Cover of the new album "Money and Lies" - photography & artwork by Dirk "The Pixeleye" Behlau for I Sold My Soul Media

Paul Ansells Number Nine- It Ain't Right

Che stacco!

Happy New Year 2011


Johnny Pag and I - NarvaBike 2010





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